CCGG Research Showcase
Past Research Showcases
We invite you to check out recordings of our past research showcases highlighting hot topics in the aging field
Older Adult Experiences and Sources of Strength During Pandemic
Mariana T. Guzzardo, California State University, Fullerton; Jodie Oshana, University of Connecticut; Irina Todorova, Northeastern University
Intergenerational Service-learning in the Time of COVID-19
Sara Bartlett & Allison Scholl, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Pain Intensity and Depressive Symptoms Mediate the Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Postural Control among Middle-Aged and Older Adults with Fibromyalgia
Dylan Serpas, Timothy Morton, Bret Jeskey, Maeva Laflamme, Laura Zettle-Watson, Jennifer Trevitt, & Barbara Cherry, California State University, Fullerton
Barriers to Home-based Palliative Care and Recommendations for Improvement
Valeria Cardenas, Anna Rahman, Yujun Zhu, & Susan Enguidanos, University of Southern California
A Qualitative Study on the Adjustment Experience of Older Adults Relocating to Assisted Living
Erika Duarte, Ph.D., LCSW
Resilience in the Stonewall Generation: How experiences Over the Life Course Shape Aging and Resilience in LGBTQ Adults 50 and Older (BEST IN SHOW!)
Julie Bates, AARP
Affect Balance Predicts the Experience of Pain in Adults With and Without Fibromyalgia
Jenny Phun, Melina Wulin, Jae Hwan Lee, Heeeun Hwang, Matthew Nakoula, Barbara Cherry, Laura Zettel-Watson, & Jennifer Trevitt California State University, Fullerton
Age-Friendly University Initial Assessment: Voices of Older Learners
Madeleine S. Marroquin-Serrano & Emiko Takagi, San Francisco State University
Caregiving in Quarantine: Evaluating the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Adult Child Informal Caregivers of a Parent (BEST IN SHOW!)
Jesse Archer, MSG, Wendy Reiboldt, PhD, & Maria Claver, PhD, California State University, Long Beach, John Fay, MSG, Lifelong Laguna
Depression as a Mediator for Fibromyalgia Status and Cognitive Functioning in Older Adults
Caitlin Gower, Dylan Serpas, MS, Mariya Malone, MS, Lauren Wells, BA,
Sarah Fabian, BA, Barbara Cherry, PhD, Laura Zettel-Watson, PhD, Jennifer Trevitt, PhD, California State University, Fullerton
Emotional, Social, Financial Benefits of Pre-Planning Funeral Arrangements: A Three-Week Training
Tatia Clark, California State University, Long Beach
Implementing a Disease Management Program: What Works and What Doesn't Work
Dr. Kathy Williams, University of La Verne & Kaiser Permanente
Assessment of Hearing, Interventions and the Effects of Age-Related Hearing Loss
Edward Garcia, California State University, Long Beach
Comorbidities in Older Adults With and Without Fibromyalgia
Caitlin Gower, Miriam Gamboa, Breanna Arroyo, Jennifer Trevitt, & Laura Zettel-Watson, California State University, Fullerton
Alexandra Wilkinson, Maria Claver, Adriana Weathersby, & Nicole Smith, California State University, Long Beach
Green Spaces for Older Adults with Alzheimer's and Dementia
Miriam Gamboa
Making the Move: Older Adults Decisions about Moving to Assisted Living
Mary Marshall, California State University, Long Beach
Response to Atlantic Hurricanes of 2017
Maria Claver, California State University, Long Beach