CCGG is overseen by an elected Board of Directors consisting of no more than 29 elected or appointed directors. Our current Board of Directors is listed below.
Executive Board of Directors
CCGG's Board of Directors are elected or appointed according to the bylaws. They are volunteers for the organization and come from academia, industry and the community throughout the state of California.

Maria Carpiac, PhD, MSW
Dr. Maria Carpiac (formerly Claver) is a Professor of Gerontology and Director of the California State University, Long Beach Gerontology Program. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE). She teaches several courses offered by the Gerontology Program, including Social Policy & Aging, Global Aging, and Women and Aging: Lessons from the Golden Girls. She most enjoys interdisciplinary, intergenerational collaboration and curriculum development. Her research focuses on the evaluation of a holistic health program for assisted living residents and Age Friendly Universities (AFU). Under her leadership, CSULB joined the AFU Global Network in November 2018 and the Gerontology Certificate and Minor Programs were awarded Program of Merit distinction by the Academy of Gerontology in Higher Education in August 2020. To find out more about the CSULB Gerontology Program, please visit: www.csulb.edu/gerontology.

President Elect
Mary Marshall, PhD
Mary Marshall, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Gerontology at Long Beach State University. Dr. Marshall teaches graduate level aging courses that cover policy, dementia, dying, and health assessments. She manages students engaging in internship and is the faculty advisor for the Gerontology Club. Dr. Marshall received the California Council on Gerontology and Geriatrics Emerging Leader Award in 2019 and the Purdue University Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research Award in 2021. She also completed a Micro-Credential in Promoting Active Learning Online and is certified in Mental Health First Aid for college students. Her research explores how older adults adjust to various living situations, the role and culture of grandparenting, and how to promote wellness in assisted living facilities. Dr. Marshall advises multiple graduate students in her lab collecting, organizing, and publishing data. She received a dual-title Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies & Gerontology from Purdue University in 2018.

Immediate Past-President
Kelly Niles-Yokum, PhD
Stay tuned for bio!

Vice President
Emiko Takagi, PhD
Emiko Takagi is an Associate Professor in Gerontology Program at San Francisco State University. She received her bachelor's degree (B.S. in Human Sciences) from Osaka University, Japan, master's degree (M.S. in Gerontology) from the University of Arizona, and her doctoral degree (Ph.D. in Sociology) from the University of Southern California. She has been teaching a number of gerontology courses to both undergraduate and graduate students including: Introduction to Gerontology, Aging and Society, Age and Policy Analysis, and Aging and Diversity. Through her research, Dr. Takagi has been inquiring how social relationships, networks, and support systems influence the well-being of older adults. Her current research particularly focuses on the issues related to older adults' loneliness and social isolation in different national contexts.

Donna Jensen, PhD, LCSW, MSW, MA
Donna Jensen is the Chair and Associate Professor in the Gerontology Department at California State University, Sacramento. She has been teaching in the Gerontology Program at California State University, Sacramento since August 2014. Prior to this, Dr. Jensen taught graduate/undergraduate social work courses in policy and practice for fifteen years as adjunct faculty at Chico State University and for three years in the addiction studies program at Butte Community College. She also developed and administered the Mental Health Educational Training Program and coordinated a 16-county regional mental health workforce partnership in northern California. Her research interests include examining the benefit of educational mentoring, the benefits of integrated healthcare for older adults and trauma and resilience among older adults.

Suzanne Beaumaster, PhD
Suzanne Beaumaster is Associate Dean of Public Service and Professor of Public Administration at the University of La Verne in Southern California. Dr. Beaumaster received her graduate degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Ph.D.) and Northern Kentucky University (M.P.A.). She is a specialist in the areas of Information Technology Management in Public Organizations, Organizational Theory, and Ethics. Dr. Beaumaster has published articles in the areas of Ethics and Public Integrity, Information Technology and Government, Organizational Theory and Development.
Meet the Board

​Member at Large
Erika Duarte, PhD
Dr. Erika Duarte is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker renowned for her expertise in advancing behavioral health initiatives at SCAN Health Plan. With a Ph.D. in Gerontology from Concordia University of Chicago and a Master's in Social Work from the University of Southern California, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her multifaceted career. As an experienced healthcare professional, Dr. Duarte specializes in clinical therapy, program development, social work, hospice care, skilled nursing, and care coordination. Dr. Duarte's passion lies in improving the health and well-being of vulnerable communities, and she is committed to advancing the field of gerontology and behavioral health.

California State University System Representative
Laura Zettel-Watson, PhD
Laura Zettel-Watson, Ph.D., is a Gerontological Health Psychologist who has served on the CCGG Board since 2017. She is a Professor of Psychology and the Director of the Aging Studies Program at California State University, Fullerton, and co-founder of the consulting firm GeroFusion, LLC.

Member at Large
Jennifer Sisoev, MPA, MSG
Jennifer has worked in the field of Recreation & Community Services for over 20 years with the Cities of Los Alamitos, Newport Beach, Norwalk, La Mirada and Los Angeles. Her roles include serving all ages, but primarily focused on older adults. Her desire is to bring innovative and creative programs and services to the older adult population to encourage healthy socialization and connectivity. Jennifer has a BS in Political Science from Northeastern University, a Master’s in Public Administration from California State University Fullerton, and a Master’s in Gerontology from California State University Fullerton.

Public or Private Two-Year Colleges Representative
Laurinda Reynolds, MAG, CPG
Laurinda Reynolds is the Gerontology Professor and Department Chair at American River College in Sacramento. After 15 years in geriatric care and at age 54, when she was experiencing aging-related changes, she began her academic journey into gerontology via special education, speech-language and hearing science, learning/memory, and cognitive psychology. Her insider experience as an aging learner and interdisciplinary knowledge inform the integrated theoretical and applied program at ARC, which sets students on a transdisciplinary career in the Field of Aging. Laurinda is the author of the 2020 editorial The COVID-19 Pandemic Exposes Limited Understanding of Ageism in the special COVID-19 issue of the Journal of Aging and Social Policy and the first author of Ageism First Aid; when registering, select American River College as your institutional affiliation, if yours is not on the pick-list.

Jesse Archer, MSG
Jesse Archer earned his master’s in gerontology at CSULB where he is now a member of the teaching faculty introducing gen ed students to the field of aging. He also works in the field as a state-certified Ombudsman advocating for residents in long-term care.

John Fay, MSG
John attended Long Beach State and obtained his BA in Human Development with a minor in Spanish and Certificate in Gerontology. With a mission to serve the community, John obtained his Master’s in Gerontology at Long Beach State with emphasis in health care administration. John currently serves as the Government and Community Relations Manager for MemorialCare, a fully integrated nonprofit health system, where John works with local nonprofits and the City of Long Beach to help reach vulnerable and underserved communities with accessible and affordable health care. John values his role with the California Council on Gerontology and Geriatrics and the ability serve the community through CCGG.

Karen Fazio, MSG
Karen Fazio is a Gerontologist, Holistic Health Practitioner, and Coach, graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute for Hypnotherapy, and HeartMath Certified Trainer who is passionate about contributing to her community through education, coaching, and support. Since 2012, Karen has been teaching Gerontology courses in Aging Studies Program, as well as, Stress Management in the Public Health department at California State University, Fullerton. She has worked on a variety of educational projects for the Council on Aging, SC, California Health Advocates, and Medcom Trainex.

Chiquita Emil
Dr. Chiquita Emel is passionate about advocacy for older adults and has a diverse and extensive background in healthcare and long-term care management, sales and marketing, and education. She holds a BS in Marketing, a Masters in Health Administration and Gerontology, and a Ph.D. in Leadership and Gerontology with an emphasis on ageism, education, and policy. As an adjunct faculty member at Santa Monica College, she developed a gerontology certificate program to prepare students for jobs needed within the regional labor market. Dr. Emel’s interest in research and public service focuses on policy and initiatives to change the narrative on aging through education and advocacy. Married for over 25 years, Dr. Emel enjoys traveling with family and friends and absolutely loves the California outdoors engaging in walking, hiking, bicycle riding, and even a few Spartan Races and Tough Mudder Runs!

Veronica Sanchez Perez, MAG
Veronica Sanchez Perez, MAG, CDP earned her Master’s in Gerontology from USC. For over 15 years, her work and personal mission have been focused on advocating for the needs of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and family caregivers. She has extensive experience conducting community outreach and education in support of connecting underserved communities to programs that support their physical health and social determinants of health needs. Her vast experience includes working with an Area Agency on Aging, LA County Department of Public Social Services for Medi-Cal and IHSS programs, Probate Investigator Contractor for LA County Superior Court, and CareMore Health, a primary care provider that specializes in chronic and complex conditions with a focus on delivering personalized healthcare. She is currently working part-time as an older adult instructor for Santiago Canyon College Division of Continuing Education.
She is an active member-at-large for California Council Gerontology and Geriatrics (CCGG) and volunteers as a Board Member for Women and Children Crisis Shelter for victims of domestic violence. Veronica is also a family caregiver for her mom and aunt both in their mid-80s.

Alexandra Wilkinson-Korn, MSG
Ms. Wilkinson began her passion for gerontology when she began caring for her now 95-year-old grandmother. Her immersive experience includes the VA hospital in mental health testing, Neuropsychiatric research, Millikan high school, Sunrise Senior Living, and SCAN health plan. However, her most rewarding work has been lecturing at her alma mater. She began teaching in December 2019 and has yet to look back. She loves being a lecturer and feels incredibly blessed to be a part of this community and working with students of all ages. Furthermore, Ms. Wilkinson has been an avid participant in the nonprofit community and is currently a board member of two nonprofits. She spends her free time (when she has any) watching her partner play weekly hockey games, spending time with their two dogs, Prince Phillip (Aussie) and Finn (Corgi), and hanging with good friends and her wonderful family!

Beverly Ann Townsel
Beverly is a Palliative Care Team Coordinator for Snowline Health in Sacramento and El Dorado County. She holds a Bachelors of Science in Gerontology with a concentration in public policy and administration.

University of California System Representative
Jarmin Yeh, PhD, MPH, MSSW
Jarmin Yeh, PhD, MPH, MSSW, is an Associate Professor in the Institute for Health & Aging, Department of Social & Behavioral Sciences, in the School of Nursing at UCSF. Their research broadly investigates social justice issues that impact the quality of life of community-dwelling older adults, people living with dementia, and caregivers. They serve as a Co-Director of the UCSF Emancipatory Sciences Lab, founded by Dr. Carroll L. Estes; are affiliated with the UCSF Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies and UCSF Bioethics; and teach in the UCSF Master of Science in Healthcare Administration and Interprofessional Leadership (MS-HAIL) Program. Prior to joining UCSF, Jarmin worked at The New York Academy of Medicine’s Social Work Leadership Institute, where they managed a national initiative funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation to bolster the social work workforce in aging. They serve on the board of directors for the Metta Fund, Community Living Campaign, and Head Over Heels Athletic Arts. Jarmin currently lives in San Francisco, California. A retired gymnast and former student-athlete, they still perform the occasional cartwheel.

Taara Hoffman, MA Gerontology
Taara is a Care Manager collaborating with families to reduce caregiver burden & enable quality of life for older adults. She focuses on the strengths of those living with brain change while providing support and resources for care partners. She is a Consultant in Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care (PAC), and holds a Master of Arts in Gerontology from San Francisco State University. As often as possible, Taara goes to concerts, hikes in the redwoods, and appreciates small kindnesses.

Student Representative
Tania Malone
Tania is a current student at USC, pursuing a master's degree in Gerontology. She is a Respiratory Care Practitioner at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, providing care to patients of all ages in the comfort of their homes. She loves helping her patients and sees the opportunity as a student representative for CCGG as a great introduction into the gerontological community.

Hannah Simmons, MSW
Hannah Simmons holds a Master’s in Social Work from CSU, Chico and has been a dedicated public servant with over 16 years of experience working with Yolo County, with more than a decade of that time spent in Child Protective Services (CPS) and Adult Protective Services (APS). As a current APS supervisor, she is dedicated to protecting and advocating for vulnerable adult populations, including older adults, individuals with disabilities, and those at risk of abuse or neglect. In addition to leading a team of social workers, she also serves as a field supervisor for MSW interns, providing mentorship and guidance.